Deputy Sheriff Sergeant
Location: Montgomery, Alabama
Description: City of Montgomery, AL is employing Deputy Sheriff Sergeant right now, this position will be assigned in Alabama. For detail informations about this position opportunity kindly read the description below. The fundamental reason that this job exists is to protect and serve the citizens of Montgomery County. An employee in this classification performs responsible supervisory and specialized law! enforcement work in the Sheriff's Office in one of four divisions-Criminal Patrol, Investigations, Legal Services, or Support Services. Major work functions include preparing and administering work schedules, counseling subordinates, monitoring and evaluating subordinates' performance, performing technical law enforcement duties, directing operations of employees on a crime scene, managing work group, gathering facts and evidence, preparing for and testifying in court, and coordinating activities with other groups or agencies. Independent judgment and considerable discretion must be exercised in determining facts, interpreting the law, and making decisions concerning law enforcement and emergency situations. Considerable tact and firmness are required in dealing with the public. The employee is subject to the usual hazards of law enforcement work. Work is performed under general supervision and is evaluated by observation and by review of records and reports. Essential Fun! ctions The following list was developed through a job analysis! ; however, it is not exhaustive and other duties may be required and assigned. A person with a disability which is covered by the ADA must be able to perform the essential functions of the job unaided or with the assistance of a reasonable accommodation. The list of essential functions is to be used as a starting point to determine essential functions for a specific position at a specific location at a specific time. The ADA was intended to be applied on a case-by-case basis with the understanding that one position may differ from another similar position. The performance of "non-essential functions" is not optional for employees not covered under the ADA.
ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: Prepares and administers work schedules following MCSO policies and procedures, City-County Personnel guidelines, and state and federal agency guidelines (e.g., EEOC) in order to ensure that appropriate personnel are available to complete the assigned task, ensure that all tasks are per! formed, and ensure that assignments are distributed equally among employees.
Plans a schedule by evaluating information gained from documents such as accident reports, initial crime reports, incident memos, subordinates, peers, supervisors, and members of the community.
Identifies tasks to be performed.
Prioritizes tasks to be performed by work group and individuals.
Identifies employee strengths and weaknesses in order to allocate work in an efficient manner.
Develops initial schedule by applying criteria of manpower needs, vacations, personal days, and training.
Assigns specific responsibilities/tasks to provide coverage of a specific assignment or area.
Reviews personal requests of subordinates for modifications to roster and work schedules in order to determine if changes can be made.
Reads subpoenas, special orders, and other documents to become aware of possible future scheduling or roster changes.
Rearranges and changes work s! chedule to ensure that employees are available for court preparation, c! ourt appearances, training activities and special details.
Maintains up-to-date records of annual leave and sick leave for employees to comply with departmental and Federal regulations.
Notifies employees of changes to work schedules.
Sets deadlines for completion of projects.
Meets with subordinates, individually or in a group, to receive updates on work progress or to discuss problems in accomplishing tasks.
Maintains and reports data to supervisors regarding needs for replacement personnel due to sickness, vacation, and military duty leave.
ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: Counsels subordinates about personnel problems, grievances, interpersonal conflicts, and career direction following MCSO policies and procedures, City County Personnel Board guidelines, ADA guidelines, EEOC guidelines, Department of Justice guidelines, and Montgomery County Employees' Handbook in order to assist personnel in handling problems and reaching career goals.
I! nterviews subordinate to identify source of problem.
Listens to and responds to subordinates' questions concerning job-related and personal problems.
Recommends actions to be taken to improve work performance.
Directs subordinates to resources for professional help concerning job-related or personal problems.
Discusses career development concerns with subordinates to assist them in devising a career plan.
Verbally reprimands subordinates.
Writes memos documenting facts related to a complaint or employee related situation in order to assist the chain in making appropriate decisions regarding the employee/situation.
Meets with subordinates concerning problems that may become formal grievances and attempts to resolve them utilizing the chain of command.
Listens to subordinates regarding formal grievances, then evaluates the facts of the grievance to make decisions required by the formal grievance procedure.
Testifies at formal grievance hear! ings.
Talks to subordinates who are not working productively about ! possible personal problems to provide a basis for counseling.
Talks to subordinates who have interpersonal conflicts to mediate differences and restore group morale.
Listens to subordinate's concerns and complaints regarding MCSO internal departmental matters to show understanding to generate potential solutions, resolve conflicts, and ensure effective performance.
Consults with superiors to get advice on handling subordinates' personnel problems (e.g., attendance, drop in performance effectiveness, personal problems).
Counsels subordinates who have personnel problems to help resolve situations and minimize negative job consequences.
ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: Monitors and evaluates subordinates' performance following Montgomery County policies and procedures, City-County Personnel Board guidelines, Montgomery County guidelines, EEOC guidelines, and federal and state personnel guidelines in order to provide feedback, improve employee performance, id! entify training needs and determine assignments to give to particular employees.
Observes performance of subordinates for appearance, work techniques, and demeanor.
Monitors subordinates' radio conversations to ensure compliance with communication regulations.
Observes technical performance of subordinates to assess performance in areas such as proficiency, adherence to procedures, and thoroughness.
Reviews field training reports to monitor the progress of new deputies during their training phase.
Reviews work products to verify the presence and accuracy of required information, the quality of narrative information, the thoroughness of procedures, and the completeness of efforts regarding the incident or accident.
Monitors subordinates' personal attitudes and morale as a way to obtain information about potential problems to help solve them.
Notes changes in subordinates' behavior in order to address performance issues on the job.
Questio! ns subordinates concerning errors to determine and take appropriate cor! rective action.
Solicits information from subordinates about problems they encounter to see what changes can be made to promote public safety.
Ensures that subordinate work is being completed in a timely manner.
Monitors subordinates' timely response to incidents and assignments.
ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: Performs technical law enforcement duties such as patrolling, serving subpoenas, maintaining dispatch equipment, and collecting and preserving crime scene evidence following MCSO policy and procedure and state laws in order to ensure services are provided to the public, fill in for absent employees, and provide support and backup to subordinates.
Serves civil papers according to standard legal processes out of the Juvenile, District and Circuit Courts for the following actions: summons or complaints, executions and garnishments, notices of small claims, orders, citations or petitions, motions and affidavits, juvenile summons and subpoenas, su! bpoenas and miscellaneous papers.
Attempts to locate persons to be served through personal contact, post office, utilities sources, and the Internet.
Patrols County roads, highways, business and residential areas to order to enforce traffic and criminal laws, check property security, and investigate road and safety hazards.
Prepares reports for departmental, court and state use of investigated disturbances, crimes, accidents, and traffic enforcement; and maintains accurate records of law enforcement activities performed on duty.
Serves subpoenas and warrants of arrests.
Makes arrests and transports offenders to jail.
Investigates assigned cases in one or more of the following major areas: homicide, theft, burglary, fraud, narcotics, rape, armed robbery, assault, and abuse to include determining if a crime has been committed, collecting physical evidence for arrest and prosecution of suspects, arresting offenders, and gathering information from other ! law enforcement agencies.
Interviews victims, suspects, witnesses, ! complainants in order to reconstruct crimes, gather information for prosecution, recover property, and locate offenders.
Prepares investigation reports for the District Attorney, courts, and other law enforcement agencies to include providing attorneys with relevant facts for the preparation of cases and the presentation of evidence.
Maintains records of investigations and activities; maintain files of suspects, stolen property, and other data; and prepares affidavits for arrest warrants.
Conducts surveillance of suspects and potential crime areas by tracing suspect's movement, initiating and maintaining informant contact, and other techniques.
Traces and locates missing persons or those charged with crimes.
Transports prisoners within the state to include preparing extradition forms and maintaining extradition records and transporting county prisoners to and from court.
Coordinates the transport of prisoners with vendors to include preparing and pro! cessing the appropriate extradition paperwork.
Coordinates probate pick-ups with staff members.
Coordinates training programs by finding the most experienced MCSO personnel to lead training and/or vendor training to ensure that deputies receive POST required training and other training as deemed necessary by the Sheriff.
Conducts training programs needs assessment and analyzes results to include developing, coordinating and managing training programs and their related activities and informing management and supervisory staff of training needed to increase safety and reduce liability.
Designs training program curriculum to meet the organization's service needs to include coordinating outside training resources with other departments and agencies, evaluating effectiveness of training program and modifying as needed, and providing specialty area consultation and technical assistance and training.
Maintains department training and other programs records.
Monitors multiple public safety radio frequencies while operating and ! monitoring equipment.
Serves as the central point of contact for all internal communications from officers on mobile radios, telephones or intercoms.
Maintains inventory control of equipment and keys; signs equipment and keys in or out.
Ensures that chain of custody for evidence is appropriately followed until turned over to evidence technician.
Visits with and talks to citizens and community members in order to connect with the community and ensure a presence in the community.
ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: Directs operations of employees on a crime scene following MCSO policy and procedure and state laws in order to ensure the safety of the public and MCSO employees.
Tracks location of all personnel in order to understand where resources are available, determine where to go first on multiple events, and monitor the safety of personnel.
Responds to the scene of serious incidents and discusses the circumstances with subordinates at the scen! e to evaluate manpower needs, equipment needs and other resource needs.
Observes and analyzes the scene in order to determine the proper approach and assess the
proper allocation of resources.
Questions victims, witnesses, MCSO employees, etc. in order to gain an understanding of the situation and determine the most appropriate course of action.
Requests additional employees and/or equipment to handle situation/scene.
Ensures medical personnel, evidence technicians, fire personnel, etc. have been requested to handle the situation/scene.
Determines the most appropriate approach to take in the situation based on MCSO policy and procedure and the type of situation while drawing on own personal experiences to ensure a safe and legally defensible outcome.
Assigns tasks to subordinates on the scene.
Positions employees in best locations to handle situations/events.
Approaches the situation/event cautiously in order to ensure that personnel and ! bystanders are not injured.
Monitors the situation/event as it unfo! lds in order to determine how to handle the situation/event.
Issues orders to subordinates in order to control and maintain the situation/event.
Maintains radio contact with the Sheriff's Office.
Coordinates efforts with others involved at incident scenes such as District Attorney and coroner.
Reports status of a serious incident to superiors and requests support resources beyond those available in command.
ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: Manages work group following MCSO policy and procedure, City/County Personnel Board Rules, and state and federal laws in order to ensure that services are provided to the public and increase efficiency of work group.
Interprets existing policy and procedure for employees.
Conducts staff meetings or roll call to keep employees informed of events and provide status reports.
Calculates payroll to include number of leave hours taken and number of overtime hours worked.
Ensures that equipment is serviced! and maintained.
Requests new or replacement equipment up the chain of command to ensure that employees have necessary resources to perform their assigned tasks.
Approves overtime and compensatory time in order to ensure proper coverage of shifts.
Schedules leave requests so that assignments are covered by remaining personnel.
Inspects uniforms, vehicles, and equipment to ensure that they are presentable and in good working condition.
Provides training to assigned personnel by demonstration and discussion or delegates training responsibilities to a subordinate to ensure that employees understand their responsibilities and are able to competently perform their assigned tasks.
Enters into a log and/or computer the assignments, tasks to be performed, status of assignments, and other information needed to ensure that work is completed by subordinates.
Enters status of assignments and tasks performed into a log, calendar and/or computer in order to tr! ack and monitor assignments and maintain an easily accessible record of! events.
Monitors all assignments made to subordinates to ensure that they are completed in a timely and efficient manner and to provide assistance to employees when assistance is needed.
Instructs subordinates individually or in small, informal groups on policies and procedures and job assignments.
Investigates accidents involving MCSO personnel and/or vehicles.
Writes shift summaries for chain of command in order to keep supervisors informed of
ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: Gathers facts and evidence following MCSO policy and procedure, state laws, and basic law enforcement practices in order to identify suspects, investigate complaints, gather information regarding an incident or case, determine the safety for self and others, and make decisions regarding other information or resources needed.
Interviews/Talks to victims, employees, witnesses, possible suspects, etc. to reconstruct crimes, gather information for prosecution,! recover property, locate offenders and investigate complaints.
Asks series of questions to determine the truthfulness and reliability of the information being provided by the individual.
Monitors the situation/event as it unfolds in order to determine how to handle the situation/event.
Reviews files, records, and other documents.
Reads procedure manuals, laws, guidelines, and other reference material.
Documents findings/results of fact gathering.
ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: Prepares for and testifies in court following rules of criminal procedures and rules of evidence in order to present the facts and evidence of a case in a court of law.
Reviews investigative reports.
Interviews complainants, victims, and witnesses as a follow-up technique to refresh memory of details.
Testifies to ensure that jurors understands testimony.
Discusses investigations with supervisors, prosecutors, and defense counsel.
Discusses the Rules ! of Criminal Procedures and the Rules of Evidence with magistrates and d! istrict attorney's staff.
Answers questions presented by judge or attorney and descries facts relating to case.
Maintains a professional demeanor in court by being impartial to maintain credibility and appear responsible in establishing the truth based on the evidence.
Clarifies testimony under cross-examination.
Assists district attorneys during the trial by providing advice about what to ask.
Verifies availability of evidence for presentation in court to ensure that the case is not dismissed.
Articulates case information on the witness stand, so that the judge and jury understands and believes testimony.
Keeps track of dates to appear in court to ensure accessibility.
ESSENTIAL FUNCTION: Coordinates activities with other groups or agencies such as Montgomery County Sheriff's Office divisions and law enforcement agencies following FCC guidelines on radios, 10-codes, NCIC manual, and federal and state laws in order to exchange inf! ormation and services related to movement of suspects across jurisdictional lines.
Communicates orally and in writing about local activity such as road closing or construction to increase awareness of these events.
Distributes intelligence information, orally or in writing, to individuals within the MCSO chain of command, outside agencies, other law enforcement agencies, and individuals to inform them of crimes and investigations.
Combines and distributes written information gathered from field observations and inspections to appropriate superiors.
Advises superiors of situations where the problem is increasing in severity and where the media or other are likely to soon be demanding information.
Meets with other law enforcement, corrections, probation, and parole personnel to assist them in gathering the facts they need for their cases/assignments. Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Knowledge of Alabama Criminal Law (Title 13-A) as needed to perform la! w enforcement duties within the law.
Knowledge of State of Alabama ! Motor Vehicle Laws (Title 32) as needed to perform law enforcement duties within the law.
Knowledge of State of Alabama Criminal Procedures (Title 15) as needed to perform law enforcement duties within the law.
Knowledge of case law regarding issues such as DUI enforcement, non-voluntary commitments, arrests with and without warrants, domestic disputes and violence, search and seizure, detention or arrest of suspects, and use of physical force as needed to perform law enforcement duties within the law.
Knowledge of the civil procedures and laws of Alabama as needed to understand legal papers to be served and to ensure that the papers are served appropriately.
Knowledge of federal rights to include the U. S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights as needed to enforce and help personnel in the performance of their duties.
Knowledge of the Law Enforcement Officer=s Handbook as needed to select appropriate forms; complete required forms; maintain! records, information and evidence; and understand and utilize NCIC.
Knowledge of rules of evidence to include confessions, dying declarations, issues of admissibility, Miranda warnings, confidentiality of information, hearsay, and compulsory testimony as needed to interview suspects, gather evidence, and effect an arrest while ensuring admissibility of evidence in court and protecting suspect=s civil rights.
Knowledge of the definition and classification of crimes, particularly the elements necessary to charge specific offenses (felonies, misdemeanors, and violations), to include power and authority of arrests and whether a warrant can be obtained as needed to ensure lawful arrest and protect suspect=s constitutional rights.
Knowledge of juvenile laws and court rulings governing dependent, delinquent children and child abuse cases to include contacting appropriate authority (e.g., DHR) to handle juveniles as needed to effect arrests while maintai! ning the constitutional rights of juveniles and protect self from civil! liability.
Knowledge of the geographical layout of Montgomery County to include the City of Montgomery and all outlying areas as needed to locate roadways, hospitals, and locations of other enforcement agencies and support services to facilitate quick response time.
Knowledge of MCSO policy and procedures to include those related to weapons, the proper use of vehicles, the chain of command, the completion of forms and reports, use of radios, work related injuries, handling domestic violence situations, handling illegal drugs, the detention and arrest of suspects, and handling confidential informants and information as needed to perform duties within departmental standards.
Knowledge of MCSO=s personnel policies related to employee rights, disciplinary procedures and work rules as needed to train less experienced deputies and explain and properly follow policies.
Knowledge of Montgomery City-County Personnel Board rules as needed to super! vise and manage employees.
Knowledge of personnel and employment laws such as Title VII, ADA, Sexual Harassment, and FLSA as needed to manage and supervise personnel.
Knowledge of available resources for employee assistance such as sick leave bank, Bradford Hospital (e.g., stress, drug/alcohol problems), Meadhaven, and Blue Cross Blue Shield as needed to refer employees with substance abuse or depression problems.
Knowledge of radios to include 10-code systems, Montgomery County Sheriff=s Office radio procedures, county codes, and FCC radio procedures as needed to communicate with dispatch, officers, and other law enforcement agencies in response to emergency situations.
Knowledge of external resources such as community service organizations, public safety organizations, and health care facilities as needed to request assistance or refer members of the community to the appropriate resource and locate assistance for employees with problems! .
Knowledge of patrol procedures and techniques to include cri! me prevention, vehicle stops, and accident scenes as needed to facilitate the smooth flow of traffic, ensure safety of motorists and deputies, and prevent crimes.
Knowledge of traffic operation procedures and techniques to include inspecting vehicles, moving and non-moving violation enforcement, traffic control, stopping and searching vehicles, and the movement of hazardous materials as needed to direct traffic, control the flow of traffic, and ensure the safety of motorists.
Knowledge of investigative procedures to include the procedural steps, situational applicability, and limitations as needed to gather evidence and investigate crimes against persons and property, non-narcotic vice offenses, white collar crimes, and drug cases while ensuring evidence and information is properly obtained for admissibility in a court of law.
Knowledge of procedures used to process a crime scene to include protecting the crime scene, lifting latent finger prints,! and collecting, preserving and transporting physical evidence as needed to ensure the scene is properly processed.
Knowledge of the content and purpose of legal papers such as executions and warrants and the practices of serving them as needed to properly and correctly prepare and serve papers.
Knowledge of court proceedings as needed to maintain order in the county courthouse and assist judges.
Knowledge of human behavior and performance as needed to relate to and interact with people in the community and to understand the behaviors of criminals, mental patients, violent persons, etc.
Knowledge of general health and safety issues such as first aid, HIV virus, and Hepatitis B as needed to assist the public and protect deputies.
Knowledge of safe work practices such as wearing proper clothing (hat, shoes, etc.), being aware of hazards, and knowing where your co-workers are in relationship to you as needed to ensure that self and ! deputies are safe.
Knowledge of administrative and clerical pr! ocedures and systems such as word processing, managing files and records and other office procedures as needed to develop and file reports.
Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar as needed to compose reports, summaries, correspondence, etc. and detect errors in the compositions of others.
Knowledge of local communities to include populations, recreation centers, special events, and the concerns and problems of the communities as needed to understand the needs of the community and become more interactive with community members.
Knowledge of community awareness programs such as DARE and Kids and Cops Days as needed to inform the community and get them involved in these programs and provide the programs.
Skill in operating motor vehicles for long periods of time and during both the day and the night, in congested traffic and in unsafe road ! conditions caused by factors such as fog, smoke, rain, ice and snow as needed to respond to an emergency situation in a timely and safe manner.
Skill in the use of firearms with sufficient accuracy to pass Sheriff=s Department qualifying standards and P.O.S.T. requirements as needed to safely discharge handguns and protect self and others.
Skill in defensive and offensive tactics such as arm locks, pressure points, head-locks, and neck control take-downs as needed to control and restrain suspects and criminals.
Ability to operate and/or utilize and maintain law enforcement equipment such as radar equipment, spikes, speedometers, intoxilyzers, field drug and sobriety kits, radio equipment, flares, etc. as needed to perform law enforcement duties.
Ability to operate and/or utilize basic office equipment such as computers, copiers, fax machines, etc. as needed to document work and provide information.
Ability to identify characteris! tics of the more commonly abused controlled substances based on color, ! smell, shape, packaging, size, and quantity as needed to effect an arrest and obtain probable cause in making a stop or continuing a search.
Ability to give full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate and not interrupting at inappropriate times.
Ability to talk to others in groups as needed to convey information effectively.
Ability to talk to others one-on-one to include asking the questions needed to get specific information, understanding and relating to people from different backgrounds, using tact, and listening as needed to convey and obtain information effectively.
Ability to consider the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one as needed to analyze facts in crisis situations, make decisions, and judge when to refer a decision to a superior.
Ability to make sound decisions under circumstances that! require expedience and vigilance as needed to ensure the safety and well-being of self and others.
Ability to use logic and reasoning to identify strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems as needed to determine when to investigate problems, develop alternative solutions, adjust actions and strategies, evaluate courses of action, detect patterns and trends, determine whether sufficient facts are available, detect inconsistencies, and recognize the implications of actions or statements.
Ability to communicate ideas in writing to include organizing thoughts in a logical manner, clarity, conciseness, adapting style to the writer, and using proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar as needed to compose narrative summaries, reports, and correspondence and to review and edit the work of others.
Ability to plan and organize to include setting priorities, developing a strategy, following a plan, and accomplis! hing goals as needed to handle several situations, problems and respons! ibilities; organize people, equipment and supplies; develop schedules and time lines; and manage the time of self and others.
Ability to solve complex problems to include identifying possible causes, securing relevant information, and reviewing related information as needed to develop and evaluate options and implement solutions.
Ability to communicate information and ideas in speaking so others will understand to include adjusting communications to the audience, accuracy, clarity and conciseness as needed to assign tasks, train co-workers, speak with citizens, gather and provide information.
Ability to detect and respond to non-verbal clues during interactions with others as needed to ensure that the listener is receiving the message correctly, to determine the disposition of the listener and to detect physical and verbal responses that suggest deception, shock, violence, etc.
Ability to listen and understand information and ideas presen! ted through spoken words and sentences as needed to follow orally communicated instructions and orders.
Ability to read and understand information and ideas presented in writing such as court decisions, policies and procedures, maps and street guides, training bulletins, and law enforcement documentation such as BOLOs and warrants as needed to follow written instructions, interpret various documents and laws and acquire knowledge.
Ability to combine pieces of information to form general rules or conclusions as needed to interpret the value of information and recognize relationships between facts and situations.
Ability to apply general rules to specific problems to produce answers that are logical as needed to apply MCSO policies and procedures and federal and state laws and assess the legal rules and statutes that apply in various situations.
Ability to exhibit interpersonal sensitivity to include patience, tact, establishing rapport, us! ing appropriate body language, and determining and utilizing the proper! attitude for the situation as needed to show empathy or sympathy, recognize the implications of actions or statements on others, interact effectively with the individuals and the public, and deliver negative or tragic information in a sensitive and understanding manner.
Ability to develop effective relationships with various individuals as needed to obtain facts and information from others, gain the trust of individuals, and negotiate resolutions to conflicts.
Ability to resolve conflict to include persuading others to change their minds or their behaviors as needed to gain cooperation from criminals and suspects and to help co-workers develop.
Ability to arrange things or actions in a certain order or pattern according to a specific rule or set of rules (e.g., patterns of numbers, letters, words, pictures, mathematical operations) as needed to organize facts and present them in the most appropriate and logical order.
Ability to concentr! ate on a task over a period of time without being distracted as needed to focus on fleeing vehicles, aim weapons, and drive vehicles during pursuit.
Ability to be vigilant and observant as needed to be aware of surroundings, ensure safety of self and others, and notice changes in co-workers, surroundings, etc.
Ability to do basic arithmetical computations to include adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying as needed to complete incident/offense reports.
Ability to retain, in memory, verbal or visual information as needed to quickly access the information and document as specifically as possible a situation or occurrence.
Ability to process large amounts of written or visual information in short periods of time as needed to determine the usefulness of the information; make decisions or solve problems; and respond to situations.
Ability to demonstrate persistence as needed to stick with a task and continue working until its c! ompletion.
Ability to motivate self as needed to set a good ex! ample, adapt to change, maintain an objective, professional demeanor, maintain integrity, and maintain personal appearance.
Ability to be objective and/or reserve judgment until all of the facts are collected as needed to be fair and impartial in situations and to make informed decisions.
Ability to provide effective feedback to personnel so that the productivity of personnel will improve and so that personnel can achieve personal and professional growth.
Ability to anticipate and resolve personnel confrontations, disagreements, and complaints as needed to ensure harmony in assigned area and to improve the productivity of assigned area.
Ability to counsel others to achieve personal and professional growth as needed to help personnel be successful in their jobs and increase the productivity of assigned area.
Ability to demonstrate and encourage high standards of behavior as needed to increase the productivity and professionalism o! f assigned area.
Ability to empower, motivate and guide others to perform their tasks and achieve their goals.
Ability to provide personnel with the information and authority to accomplish an assignment.
Ability to convey confidence in an employeeâs ability to be successful as needed to motivate employees to their personal best.
Ability to delegate responsibility as needed to achieve goals and help employees in their personal and professional growth.
Ability to take responsibility for employee performance by setting clear goals, tracking progress towards the goal, ensuring feedback and addressing performance problems.
Ability to continuously monitor personnel and remain aware of their job performance to include individual strengths and weaknesses, attendance and tardiness, how they treat departmental equipment, and their ability to interact with citizens as needed to ensure compliance with departmental rules and encour! age personnel to exchange information with the public accurately and co! urteously.
Ability to detect behavioral changes in personnel to include sick leave abuse, tardiness, or a decline in performance that can indicate personal problems such as depression, the beginning of substance abuse problems, or fatigue.
Ability to establish goals and priorities as needed to manage and ensure the productivity of assigned area.
Ability to develop schedules and time lines as needed to ensure that tasks are performed in a timely manner and to ensure that employees work the appropriate number of hours per week.
Ability to establish a course of action as needed to coordinate and organize assignments, cases, assigned area, etc.
Ability to utilize resources (human and physical) appropriately for schedule and unscheduled incidents and events as needed to ensure that the proper amount of personnel, equipment, and other resources are available for assigned area.
Ability to actively search for ways to assist the ! community as needed to develop strong relationships between the community and the Sheriff=s Office and provide services to citizens.
PHYSICAL ABILITIES: Ability to see details at close range (within a few feet of the observer).
Ability to coordinate two or more limbs (for example, two arms, two legs, or one leg and one arm) while sitting, standing, or lying down. It does not involve performing the activities while the whole body is in motion.
Ability to see details at a distance.
Ability to use your abdominal and lower back muscles to support part of the body repeatedly or continuously over time without 'giving out' or fatiguing.
Ability to bend, stretch, twist, or reach with your body, arms, and/or legs.
Ability to quickly move the arms and legs.
Ability to quickly respond (with the hand, finger or foot) to a signal when it appears as needed to react to emergency situations.
Ability to know your! location in relation to the environment or to know where other objects! are in relation to you.
Ability to see under low light conditions.
Ability to judge which of several objects is closer or farther away from you, or to judge the distance between you and an object.
Ability to make fast, simple, repeated movements of the fingers, hands, and wrists.
Ability to make precisely coordinated movements of the fingers of one or both hands to grasp, manipulate, or assemble very small objects.
Ability to coordinate the movement of your arms, legs, and torso together when the whole body is in motion.
Ability to choose quickly between two or more movements in response to two or more different signals (lights, sounds, pictures). It includes the speed with which the correct response is started with the hand, foot, or other body part.
Ability to quickly and repeatedly adjust the controls of a machine or a vehicle to exact positions.
Ability to focus on a single source of sound in the p! resence of other distracting sounds.
Ability to detect or tell the differences between sounds that vary in pitch and loudness.
Ability to see objects in the presence of glare or bright lighting.
Ability to see objects or movement of objects to one's side when the eyes are looking ahead.
Ability to exert yourself physically over long periods of time without getting winded or out of breath.
Ability to use short bursts of muscle force to propel oneself (as in jumping or sprinting), or to throw an object.
Ability to exert maximum muscle force to lift, push, pull, or carry objects.
Ability to quickly move your hand, your hand together with your arm, or your two hands to grasp, manipulate, or assemble objects.
Ability to keep your hand and arm steady while moving your arm or while holding your arm and hand in one position.
Ability to time your movements or the movement of a piece of equipment in anti! cipation of changes in the speed and/or direction of a moving object or! scene.
Ability to tell the direction from which a sound originated.
Ability to exert muscle force repeatedly or continuously over time. This involves muscular endurance and resistance to muscle fatigue.
Ability to keep or regain your body balance or stay upright when in an unstable position.
Ability to imagine how something will look after it is moved around or when its parts are moved or rearranged.
Ability to quickly and repeatedly bend, stretch, twist, or reach out with your body, arms, and/or legs. Minimum Qualifications As of September 19, 2013, all Deputy Sheriff Corporals in the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office who have completed one year of service within the department as a Deputy Sheriff Corporal dating from the day of their appointment. Special Requirements
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If you were eligible to this position, please deliver us your resume, with salary requirements and a resume to City of Montgomery, AL.
Interested on this position, just click on the Apply button, you will be redirected to the official website
This position will be opened on: Fri, 17 May 2013 14:13:15 GMT
Apply Deputy Sheriff Sergeant Here